over the last three months, more than 23,000 free press activists (myself included) demanded the federal communications commission stop comcast from blocking web traffic. yesterday, the fcc responded, announcing that it would investigate the cable company's net neutrality violation.
the fcc is seeking public comment before it decides to punish comcast. by speaking out now, you can force the fcc to stop all the would-be gatekeepers from tampering with the free-flowing internet:
*tell the fcc: protect the open internet*
late last year, the associated press caught comcast secretly blocking users' ability to use peer-to-peer software to share information with one another. comcast was using web-filtering technologies similar to those used in china to censor the internet. ap called the violation "the most drastic example yet of data discrimination."
free press and other internet rights groups filed a petition with the fcc calling for urgent action to stop comcast's internet blocking. tens of thousands of activists sent letters to the agency in support of our petition (again, myself included). public pressure is now forcing the fcc to act.
comcast blocking of online content is the canary in the coal mine for corporate efforts to gate-keep the internet. The fcc must send a stern message to stop other phone and cable companies that want to follow comcast's lead and control our internet experience.
*tell the fcc: don't let comcast off the hook*
blocking our access to the internet should never be tolerated. The longer the fcc waits to punish comcast, the more companies will continue to invest in technologies to censor and manipulate what we can do online.
we need to keep the heat on the fcc to make sure all gatekeepers are punished.
(from freepress.net)
we must *do*, lest our rights be jeopardized.
visit: savetheinternet.com
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