we've become accustomed to accepting; i'm guilty, bet you are, too. it's because i don't know what else to do. i've written the letters and logged my hold time, i've spoken clearly to ms. electronica and repeated my choice of options when it wasn't audible the first time. i've tried to keep my foul mouth to a minimum and have learned to forgive being misunderstood. i've asked to speak to superiors - and theirs - and kept my own notes, called back during unusually high call volumes and explained my *simple* problem to many people during a single call.
i can't do it anymore; it makes me crazy. but i think i have to.
welcome to customer service. welcome to something that will not get better. welcome a new addition to your things-to-do, welcome to hours of waiting and no voice and no reciprocal ear and becoming accustomed to poor service. it's everywhere. and we sit. and hold. and wait. and accept.
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