
today i bought this beautiful instrument from an estate sale. it took some time for me to research what it is, and now i'm even happier it pulled me to it and begged to go home with me. it's produced by chicago-based regal, and from what i can tell exclusive to them.

an octofone will mimic eight different instruments, depending on the tuning: tenor banjo, tenor guitar, mandolin, mandola, mandocello, ukulele, tiple and taropatch. how sweet! of course, it's not in working order, and it's so delicate and fragile, i'm afraid re-stringing it to play may compromise it - so i'll probably just use it for a decoration. it's lovely, so that will work dashingly.

summertime play

can wear a girl out in this heat


today i watched this, all about dreams.

some interesting things i learned:
* we dream in rem and non-rem sleep, but in rem sleep, we are totally physically paralyzed
* rem dreams tend to be negative, or induce negative feelings and thoughts -- and people who only dream in rem sleep are typically depressed people
* the same area of our brain associated with rem sleep is the area responsible for managing strong feelings, such as extreme anger and sadness (see above)

sooo interesting. science-psychologist-geniuses exploring why we dream.

i was hoping they'd talk about lucid dreaming, because i sometimes dream lucidly? lucid dream?

it's funny; sometimes, while i dream, i also rationalize with myself: i didn't drive to the mountains, how am i in a car, driving, in the mountains? and who is this person next to me? wait. i must be dreaming. or, i graduated high school. why am i in this classroom, behaving, for this teacher who i have never met, and worried that my homework is late when i don't have homework anymore because i'm not in high school, and haven't been, and even when i did, this wasn't the school i went to. and, after said rationalizing, i tell myself - you're dreaming. and so i drive off the side of the mountain, because - why not? - i'm dreaming, or i scream profanities to the classroom because, hey, i'm not in this classroom; this is a dream.

i've read, if you pay very close attention to what you're dreaming, and the transition to lucidity, you can train yourself to do it more often. i'm not really that passionate about it, but it's wildly fun. and i wonder what it means.

also, i wonder what all the dreams mean about water. i dream several times a week of water, typically still, tropical water - and sometimes boats and ships - it's always always happy.

gone to seed

cilantro has gone to seed

more has been planted but has yet to sprout. too hot?
arugula, too, has gone to seed. no more has been planted, no more will be.
too much arugula this year, and i didn't love it or eat it as much as i thought i would.
goodbye, friend. see you next season.
and thanks for the pretty flowers in the meantime.


i decided to try my hand at pickling. i'm afraid all this lovely garden bounty may otherwise not get eaten. and i very much hate waste, especially food waste.

i started by filling the cute little canning jars with cracked pepper, jalapenos, garlic and fresh dill (i've been looking for an opportunity to chop into that little plant outside).

i looked at several recipes for pickling brine, but none of them really wowed me so i kind of ad-libbed the rest: about 3 cups apple cider vinegar, 4 cups water, 8 tablespoons sugar, 4 teaspoons salt, cracked pepper, a few teaspoons of fennel, four cloves of garlic, about a tablespoon of mccormick pickling spices (although i think these may have added a bit too much sweet). 

the brine boiled away while i packed my jars with cauliflower and carrots (cut and boiled in salted water for a few minutes) and okra (boiled for about one minute, whole).

ladling the boiling brine into the jars: easy. i thought it'd prove messy and ow-ow-ow hot.

and now, we wait a week. and then we have a bloody mary party!

nathan is one.

isn't he the most precious?