Looking up

I've wanted to fly for as long as I can remember. Just this weekend I began wondering more deeply about jumping from a plane, as a means of flight. Still at the wondering stage.

I miss Colorado

Lately, I miss the mountains. There's a heightened peace that comes when you're looking over the land, while the sky goes on for years. A natural calm, an intoxicating rush.

The dry

The blades of grass are begging
to each heavy, floating cloud.
Robins hop through a foreign desert
devoid of worms; no surface life.

The corn, planted early, is too-tall, dry;
the farmers have said all their prayers,
danced their dance,
and now wonder what more to sacrifice.
This Midwestern earth needs rain.

Gazing up

To the heavens I look. For rain, for one.
Bright blue skies and fluffy white.

Sky Show

We all met up to watch men in flames (not to be confused) jump from airplanes
and ahh over the reminiscent fiery explosions.


I'm so happy I live close to these two blondie sweethearts.


While tearing up ceiling tiles of a basement,
you may very well find
the previous owner's (now vintage) stash.
We only wonder: was it father or son who hid them up there?